Thank You for Subscribing!

You should have just received an email with the link to your free gift so that you can easily find it in the future, but here it is so you can stream or download it now:

We send an email about twice a week with a pro-life apologetics and practical dialogue tips in article, video, or podcast form to help you have better conversations with pro-choice people. We occasionally send emails with ERI speaking events and other organization updates.

Additionally, we send a printed newsletter once or twice a year to our supporters that include updates on what we’re up to as well as personal notes from the staff. In other words, Emily’s donors receive a version of the newsletter that includes a personal note from Emily, while Josh’s donors receive a slightly different version that has Josh’s personal note instead of Emily’s at the end. If you would like to receive our printed newsletter in the mail, please email your mailing address to Ellen and let her know which staff person’s newsletter you want to receive. (The default is Josh if you don’t specify.)

We will never share your email address with anybody else. You can unsubscribe anytime using the link at the bottom of our emails.