
Thank you so much for reserving space at the ERI studio!

If you haven’t yet, you need to make a separate payment for the refundable clean-up fee deposit. Do that with the button below:

Finally, here are some reminders to help you prepare for your recording day:

  1. The studio address is 1030 Central Dr NW, Suite A, Concord, NC. It’s the first building on the right when you pull into the parking lot. Enter the main double doors on the left side, by the covered area. Once inside, knock on the locked door if nobody is there to meet you, or call the tech you’ve been connected with through the number that will have been emailed you by then.
  2. If you’re recording audio only, like for a podcast, bring an SD card with you for the recording workstation. SD and SDHC cards that are at least 512 MB can be used. The workstation supports SDHC standards for large capacity SD cards of up to 32GB. You can see a full list of supported cards here. Here are Amazon affiliate links to several of them: 16GB | 32GB
  3. If you’re recording video, bring an external hard drive with you on the recording date. Make sure it’s large enough for everything you’re going to record. (4.5 hours of 4K video recording time equals roughly 1TB of data. Double that if you’re recording with both cameras simultaneously.) We really like the Western Digital MyBook drives and have used several of them for years without a problem. Here are Amazon affiliate links to several size options: 3TB | 4TB | 6TB | 8 TB | 10TB
  4. If you’re going to use the TelePrompter, please email the script ahead of time to Send only the words you will say; don’t include headings or speaking notes, as the iPad app we use automatically advances by listening to your voice and matching what it hears with the text in the script.