Tina Whittington
Executive Vice President, Students for Life of America
Tina Whittington is a member of Equal Rights Institute’s Board of Advisors.
In 1999 Tina began working full-time in the pro-life movement as Project Manager for Rock for Life. While there she put together pro-life literature, wrote for the monthly newsletter, spoke at high schools and colleges, organized events, and toured with Christian bands sharing the pro-life message from stage at hundreds of concerts and music festivals. During this time Tina was a guest on Fox News, Loveline with Adam Carrola and Dr. Drew, and debated Dr. Rebecca Gomperts, founder of Women on Waves, on the Alan Colmes radio show.
She left Rock For Life in 2001 to focus on her growing family, working as Mommy CEO and receiving training to be a lay counselor for her Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat Team, helping post-abortive women and men through the grieving and healing process.
In 2010, Tina returned to full-time pro-life work as the Executive Vice President for Students for Life, where she is responsible for managing the daily operations of SFLA. Since joining the SFLA team, Tina has presented on pro-life apologetics, post-abortion issues, leadership, and group development at universities across the country including, Harvard, Dartmouth, University of Connecticut Med School, and Fordham.
Tina graduated from Portland Community College with an Associate of Arts degree. She lives in the Fredericksburg, VA area with her husband and their four children: Justus, Mason, Asher and Esther.